Diet and Dental Care: The Best Food for Your Smile

From Dental to Nasal: How a Tooth Can Cause a Sinus Infection

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Sinus infections are generally caused by colds or allergic reactions. Once breathed in, a cold virus or a hint of secondhand smoke from a nearby cigarette causes one or more of the sinus cavities to become inflamed. Shortly after, the headaches, congestion and toothaches begin. However, while it is well known that teeth can also ache during a bout of sinusitis, few people are aware that teeth themselves can also cause sinusitis.…

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Mind the Gap: Quick Corrections with Crowns

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Even small dental problems can cause serious discomfort, so having a missing or broken tooth, particularly if a nerve is exposed, can be extremely painful. However, that pain isn’t the only reason to have these issues addressed quickly. In fact, leaving your tooth broken without dental assistance can really exacerbate the problem. When the interior of a tooth is exposed to decay and bacteria, its condition can worsen much more quickly than if the problem were merely on the surface of your tooth.…

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The Secret Side Effects of At-home Teeth Whitening

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In the pursuit of a dazzling smile, more and more people are opting for teeth whitening. As a result, this is one of the common cosmetic dentistry services offered by cosmetic dentists. Nevertheless, some individuals may assume that resorting to at-home teeth whitening would be much more economical for them. The reality is that, just as with any other dental procedure, teeth whitening does pose some risks to your oral health, and you would be best advised to have it professionally performed by a cosmetic dentist.…

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