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An Overview of Dental Sedation Treatment

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Dental anxiety is an intense and unreasonable fear of dental treatment. This fear can prevent you from seeking treatment for dental conditions you are facing, such as gum infections, cavities or broken teeth.  The anxiety often causes a patient to be constantly unsettled and fearful during their dental appointment. They may also have exaggerated concerns about the procedure that they are seeking.

For such patients, sedation treatment may be a good option when seeking oral treatment. There are several dental sedation options that are available to patients with anxiety. These treatment options allow them to relax and become more physically and emotionally comfortable during the procedure. This article will highlight 3 common sedation treatment options for people with dental anxiety.

Inhalation Sedation (Nitrous Oxide)

Inhalation sedation involves the use of nitrous oxide, which is administered through a nose hood. The gas elevates a patient's mood and allows them to achieve a relaxed and comfortable state. In addition, it reduces the pain and anxiety that you may feel during any dental procedure.

Oral Sedation

The second dental sedation treatment option available is oral sedation. It is a type of medication that is taken orally to induce a state of relaxation. While in this state, the patient may still be awake but experience a reduction in their senses that makes them forget sensations such as pain, smell or noise.

Oral medication is taken before the appointment, and it can be topped up as necessary during the procedure. The medication taken will depend on how long the procedure is expected to last so that the effects of the medication can coincide with the length of the dental appointment.

IV Sedation

IV (Intravenous) sedation is a type of moderate sedation where anaesthesia is administered into your bloodstream (with immediate effect) in order to induce a state of relaxation. In some cases, the anaesthesia is administered by a licensed nurse who monitors the depth of medication that you are given and ensures that it suits your needs.

IV sedation is a perfect option for lengthy procedures where the sedation will wear off towards the end, leaving you ready to go when everything is complete. It's important to note that IV sedation can induce grogginess or sleepiness during and after the procedure, making it necessary to arrange for someone to drive you back home.

In conclusion, dental sedation methods are a convenient solution for patients with dental anxiety. They allow you to be relaxed during the process, to undergo lengthy and complex procedures with minimal discomfort, and to even catch up on previous times when you postponed dental visits due to anxiety. Contact a dentist for more information.
