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Want to Keep Your New Dental Veneers in Tip-Top Shape? Here Are the Two Top Tips!

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You probably got veneers because you wanted to conceal an issue like a crack, a chip or discolouration—or maybe you just wanted to create an even more beautiful smile. Whilst veneers are easy to maintain—you can generally care for veneers in much the same way that you care for your natural teeth—there are a couple of after-veneers tips that you might not know about. Below, you'll learn the two top veneers care tips that you should practise straight away. 

Avoid Stains and Darkening

Veneers, like tooth enamel, can be prone to stains and darkening. If you've ever whitened your teeth, it was likely due to damage from one of the following. 

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Dark-coloured fizzy drinks 
  • Red wine
  • Nicotine from cigarette smoking

To keep your new veneers looking white and bright, it's best to avoid the same things that darken or discolour your natural teeth enamel. There is one notable difference: the colour of your veneers isn't affected by aging, which is one of the main reasons that natural tooth enamel can darken over time. Do you still want to enjoy fizzy drinks or other favourite beverages? Consider using a straw!

As long as you avoid the substances that can stain your veneers, they should remain the same colour for the long term. Also, remember that whitening toothpaste or products won't affect the veneers—it's easier to keep them white than to correct the colour once they're stained or darkened. 

Eat With Your Veneer Health in Mind

Whilst your veneers can generally be treated as if they've always been part of your mouth, you do need to consider a few minor adjustments in your eating habits. Veneers are cemented to the front of your teeth with an powerful, specialised bonding agent. Normally, this bonding agent keeps your veneers in place for their entire lifespan—usually anywhere from 5 to 20 years. However, rough treatment could potentially pull the veneers from the teeth. 

For this reason, you should avoid chewing ice at all times. This is actually a good rule when it comes to your natural teeth, as well! When eating the hardest or chewiest of foods, just use a bit of extra caution. For example, when you chomp down on raw vegetables or sweets, chew gently—and try to use your molars rather than your front teeth to avoid over-stressing the bonding agent that holds the veneers in place. 

If you simply follow the simple guidelines above, your next check-up at the dental clinic is likely to be a great one. Your dentist will be quite impressed to see how well you've cared for your new veneers!
