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Why Might a Dentist Say No to Teeth Whitening?

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Medical professionals won’t refuse to treat a patient when the issue is a medical one. While your teeth might be stained and discoloured, teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure. Still, it’s a service that almost all dentists are able to perform. So, why would a dentist refuse to whiten your teeth? An Adequately Healthy State It’s not as though your dentist is imposing a blanket ban on you ever receiving whitening treatment.…

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Paediatric Dental Emergencies That Require the Attention of a Dentist

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Exploration and playing games are essential activities that contribute to the growth of your children. However, your kids may encounter dental injuries when playing or exploring. For instance, they may get injured on their tongues, lips, cheeks, gums or teeth. Dental accidents can be dangerous, especially if immediate care is not observed.  When your kids experience dental emergencies, you should contact an experienced dentist instantly for professional help. A paediatric dentist will diagnose your kid’s oral issues and offer the best treatment to avoid the escalation of the problems.…

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How Soon Should Your Child See a Family Dentist?

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Being a parent isn’t something that you’re born knowing, and most times, you have to anticipate different milestones while hoping for the best. Every year is different as your child grows. You may end up wondering when your child will utter their first word, or when they’ll have their first visit to the family dentist. All these are valid points of concern that every parent may have to worry about at some point.…

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Could Your Child Be at Risk of Periodontal Disease?

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As children grow older and reach puberty, certain changes in the body can lead to a greater risk for some dental issues. As a parent, you will want to keep an eye on the situation and advise your child accordingly so that they can seek attention from a dentist and avoid the development of any serious problems. What do you need to be on the lookout for and what can cause these issues?…

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Can You Get Braces When You're Affected by Periodontal Disease?

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If you’re told you need braces, chances are that you’ll want to begin treatment as soon as possible. After all, you’ll be wearing them anywhere between one and three years. But to successfully have those braces in your mouth, your mouth needs to be ready. When you’re affected by periodontal disease that might prevent you from receiving braces. So, what are your options? Determine if You’re an Unsuitable Candidate  Periodontal disease can mean you’re an unsuitable candidate for braces.…

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Tips to Consider When You Decide to Get Dental Implants

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Dental implants are designed to help you keep your beautiful smile and eat comfortably after losing your teeth. However, this procedure is delicate and costly, so it’s crucial to prepare yourself and get all the necessary information so you can enjoy the benefits. This will also help you avoid making common mistakes other patients have made before that cost them their dental implants and forced them to more surgeries. Here are some fundamental guidelines you should consider.…

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Signs That You Need Denture repairs

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Even after losing several teeth, there is still hope that you can get back your perfect smile and self-esteem. Your dentist will most likely recommend dentures to replace the missing teeth. Well, dental care does not end after getting your perfect teeth in place; the denture will need repairs after a while. Dentures can last for a long time. However, certain factors might increase the need for your dentures to be replaced or repaired depending on the damage.…

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Why Can You See White Spots on Your Child's Teeth After Braces?

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You can usually see how your child’s orthodontic work is progressing before their braces are removed; however, you won’t know exactly what condition their teeth are in until the braces are off. While your child’s teeth are in the right places now, you may be surprised to see some white spots on their teeth. These spots don’t come off, even after a few brushing sessions. What are these white spots? Can they be removed?…

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In a Pickle Over Enamel Erosion: How Pickles Can Erode Your Teeth

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Are you fond of eating pickles on a regular basis? Then you could be damaging your teeth without realizing it — until now, of course! Although pickles are low in calories and sugar and they promote the growth of helpful bacteria in your gut, aiding your digestion, they can also damage your teeth. If you are wondering how that might be possible, look no further than the solution that gives pickles their sour taste — vinegar.…

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Cosmetic Dentistry: 4 Types That Can Improve Your Smile

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The belief that a smile reveals more about one’s personality makes the quest for a perfect smile a worthy cause for many. The integral part of a smile is usually the teeth, and cosmetic dentistry turns out to be the art of crafting the teeth for a perfect smile. Professionals dentists are not only able to replicate your original look but can also conduct various procedures to make your smile even more attractive, whether you have crooked teeth, chipped and broken crowns or gaps in your teeth.…

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